The Blog Portion…

So, yeah! Welcome to my blog! As you can tell this might be all about crochet. (*Le GASP!*)  Though, I won’t make any promises. I would hate to have to break any of them. >.<‘

So, I’m not exactly new to crochet, I’m just new to the amount of time absorbed into crochet. I didn’t used to think that I was doing this for lets say eight and nine hours at a time, and then one day when I didn’t have to work, I figured out that I was watching eight hours of T.V. (well, Netflix really) and crocheting all at the same time. And typically I don’t accomplish anything, though when I toss on BONES, in my Netflix, I just soar through the crochet! (Not even kidding!) It’s amazing. But yeah, I think for now, I’m just going to hit the hay after finishing a few things.

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