Crochet, Oh, Crochet …

Oh, the woes of my crochet. The aches in the neck, the wrists, and the fingers. I couldn’t begin to tell you the latter events that I have had to encounter. Lately, I’ve been a little too excited to really sit down and crochet. I have a new store opening, and well, my patience are not really there to sit down and make looping knots. [Laugh] I’m too excited to sleep as well. Can you believe it?! I know, I’m not really sure that I can either! Well, any way, I was just about to inform you of my newest project! Are you excited? I know I am!

 Wait for it! Alright, alright I give in. 😉 I’m making a mohawk hat! Well, you understand the idea of it right? No? Well, it’s a beanie, that has ear flaps, which are completely and totally 100% optional, BUT! This beanie has a mohawk! O-M-G! I know right?! That’s fairly insane. But it looks pretty bad a*s. I’m thinking a picture is in order, so that you, too, can understand just about how awesome this hat truly is. Though, I shall warn you, there are several variations. The photos shall be posted in the order in which I find them most, attractive to my own personal likes (and often dislikes.)


SO! There are many examples of a mohawk hat, and they can be knit or crocheted, I suppose it would only matter on your personal preference of what you would like to do! (Obviously we know what I prefer to do.) I am totally planning on branching out on my patterns and coming up with sketches, and colored images of what my next few projects are going to be, but! First things first, there is an AWESOME Marvin the Martian hat that I want from Wal-Mart.

Lastly, I must add, that I will add photos later of my work, and not until I find a copyright that I’m alright with. 😉 Until the next time!

Bye guys!




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