Mario Invincibility Star Amigurumi Crochet Pattern

Crochet Pattern(s):


[ * ] = Work instructions as indicated in brackets

ch = chain
sl st = slip stitch
sc = single crochet
hdc = half double crochet
st/sts = stitch/stitches

Invincibility Star (Mario) Amigurumi:

Pentagon Center: (from  Kelli Ward-Sturgill )

Round 1:
Magic Loop; Ch1, 1sc in ring, ch1, 9hdc in ring, ss in top ch. (10 sts)
(If you don’t know the magic loop, then go to this video [ ] So, far it’s the best I’ve been able to understand.)

Round 2:
Ch1, 1sc in same st, ch1, 1hdc in same st, [*1hdc in next st, 3 hdc in next] Repeat [*] 4 times to form the points of the pentagon. 1hdc in last st, then 1hdc in the first sc st of the round, then sl st in the top ch to close the round. (20 sts)

Round 3:
Ch1, 1sc, ch1, 1hdc in the first st, then [*1hdc in next 3sts, then 3hdc in the following st] Repeat 4 times, then 1hdc in next 3 sts, 1hdc in first sc of round, sl st in top ch to close round. (30 sts)

Fasten off, weave ends in.

Star Points: (from Shh, I’m counting’s Blog )

Star Point:
Row 1: ch1, sc in next 6 sc,
Row 2: ch1, sc in each sc across, (6sc)
Row 3: ch1, sc2tog, sc in next 2 sc, sc2tog (4sc)
Row 4: repeat row 2
Row 5: ch1, sc2tog twice (2sc)
Row 6: ch1, sc2tog, fasten off

Personally, when I completed the five individual points, to help make the tie in of the extra yarn ends easier, I slip stitched all the way around the whole star to give it a more “complete” look.

(If you don’t know how to single crochet 2 stitches together, I found this video [ ] most helpful.)

Other helpful notes:
This is an amigurimi, though, it’s not made all in one piece. You will need to make 2 stars and then sew the 2 pieces together. Though because of the way that my star was finished I was able to just take my smallest hook (which is like a 4.0 or something) and put the wrong sides outward and whip stitch it most of the way; then I flipped it inside out, and then! I stuffed it and then, I finished sewing it together, and finished it that way.

TUTORIAL FOR DEVIANT ART IS ON IT’S WAY! (I will link this when said tutorial is done! 😉

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