This Addicted Crocheter


Oh, that was lovely!

Quick Fun Facts:

1. I love to crochet, and once my mind is set, well, it’s set. 2. I dye my hair a dark red, most of the time it’s a strawberry blond. 3. Yes, I’m Irish. 4. I’m also Cherokee Indian. :3 5. I’ve all but decided to never knit, it confuses the bejesus out of me. 6. I’m very patriotic, but I believe everyone is entitled to their own beliefs. 7. My significant other is going to be a United States Marine. (I are so very proud of him!) 8. I love cats! And I have two. 9. You should check out Scarves for Soldiers. (It’s my version of Pay it Forward.) 10. Dimples is my nickname for a reason. ;3

Boyfriends biggest issue: He says I’m addicted to crochet. He calls my yarn my crack. XD

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